One morning while reading the Bible, I came upon a puzzling perspective in Psalm 139:5. It said, “You hem me in behind and before.” Sounds so confining! I checked another translation, and the KJV was even more problematic: “You beset me!” What?! God is attacking me?!

So I looked it up. Beset in archaic usage means “covered, decorated or studded,” as in grass beset with dew or a necklace beset with precious stones. Now that I have this new perspective, I actually like the King James Version best. I am studded with the presence of God, decorated by His hand.

Musing on this, I keep coming back to Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

Earth's crammed with heaven 
  And every common bush aflame with God, 
   But only he who sees takes off his shoes; 
     The rest sit 'round and pluck blackberries.                                                  

Which picture is the burning flame, and which is the brilliant bloom? Look carefully. The first image is a blowup of the second, but both visions are true. It’s all in the perspective. Earth truly is crammed with heaven, and every facet of creation invites us to step further for a closer look. Just as a master craftsperson will often hide their signature somewhere in the art, the Master Creator hid an image of a burning bush in the heart of this flower.

And how about you? Do you feel hemmed in on every side, or surrounded by angels? Again, it’s in the perspective.

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